SAN FRANCISCO -- Gloria Rivera cast the abandon of freelance.

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She confused to San Diego from Peru in 2005 and has a alive career as an analyst and translator for doctors, courts and conferences.

Now, as a new California law administering freelancers is set to booty aftereffect today, her audience are wary. They are allurement for added paperwork. Some casework are hitting abeyance on hiring Californians at all.

"Everyone's afraid in California," Rivera, 42, said. "Who's activity to appoint me as an agent for three assignments a month?"

The new law, Assembly Bill 5, will radically adapt freelance assignment in California. Prompted in allotment by annoyance with the analysis of workers by companies like the ride-hailing behemoths Uber and Lyft, the bill was created to extend abode acknowledged protections to almost 1 actor bodies in the state.

On Monday, Uber and Postmates filed a accusation in federal cloister in California gluttonous to block the law from actuality activated adjoin them. But the accouterment is absurd to stop the law from activity into aftereffect in added professions.

Those added industries accommodate a advanced array of freelance workers, such as writers, translators, strippers and clergy. Abounding said they were now advertent that the law could accomplish earning a active abundant added difficult.

The abstraction abaft the law, active in September, is that abounding workers are misclassified as contractors so companies can save money. Unlike contractors, advisers are adequate by minimum-wage and overtime rules, and are advantaged to workers' advantage and unemployment insurance. Their administration pay bisected their amount taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

Assembly Bill 5 codification and continued the ability of a 2018 accompaniment Supreme Cloister cardinal that said workers charge be classified as advisers if the assignment they did was a approved allotment of the company's business. Beneath the ruling, a plumber who fixes a aperture at a abundance may be a accepted contractor. But workers who sew dresses at home application bolt and patterns provided by the architect are acceptable to be employees.

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The new law additionally agency a aggregation charge amusement workers as advisers if it controls how they do their work, or if the workers don't run absolute businesses in the aforementioned band of assignment that they do for the company. A plumber who formed alone at the abundance would best acceptable be accounted an employee.

The law has a host of alleged carve-outs. It exempts assertive white-collar workers like doctors and accountants, but it extends acknowledged protections to tens of bags of low-paid workers in fields like construction, janitorial casework and hairstyling.

But complexities circumscribed up quickly. For example, marketers and admission writers were exempted, but journalists were not.

So a account columnist for a bi-weekly charge now be advised an employee, aback beneath the new law a freelance biographer can broadcast alone 35 alleged submissions a year with a publication. (A video and a argument commodity on the aforementioned accident would calculation as one.) The ambition was to crave newspapers to put these workers on the staff. The aftereffect in some cases has been layoffs.

Vox Media cut added than 200 California freelancers, citation the new law. The archetype account Rev told its freelancers that it would be abrogation California.

Emma Gallegos, 34, has been freelancing while extenuative money to alpha a bounded account website, Hwy 99, accoutrement her hometown, Bakersfield, amid in California's agronomical heartland. She afresh took a copy-editing analysis to get a cogent arrangement that would advice pay her bills. Afterward, the abeyant applicant emailed her, answer and answer that it would not be able to appoint her because she lived in California.

"There aren't abounding full-time autograph jobs in Bakersfield, so these kinds of alien alteration affairs are important for me," Gallegos said. "I aloof feel absolutely balked and like I'm accepting set aback from my goals."

Proponents of the new law altercate that abounding companies are arena on artisan anxieties and that abounding of the arrange that administration are abandoning were actionable alike afore Assembly Bill 5.

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"A lot of these administration are sending out these fearmongering emails," said Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego, the bill's author. "I assumption in this day and age of Twitter, that's an accessible affair to do -- actualize a affectionate of accumulation hysteria."

Gonzalez, a accelerating Democrat, has in contempo weeks become a affronted Twitter attendance blame aback at critics, sometimes with profanity.

When asked about some of Gonzalez's tweets, a backer said by email: "The assemblywoman is abundantly affronted at an bread-and-butter arrangement that has acquired a abiding underclass in her association of alive men and women who are consistently actuality awkward by accumulated greed."

Gonzalez has said the problems adverse companies that await on freelancers preceded the new law.

SB Nation, the sports website endemic by Vox Media, which cited Assembly Bill 5 as the acumen it afresh let go about 200 freelancers, was already sued by freelancers afore the law changed. In one lawsuit, freelancers claimed that they formed as abounding as 40 hours a anniversary but becoming beneath than $150 a month.

A backer for Vox Media beneath to animadversion but cited a column from SB Nation's controlling administrator in which he said the change was additionally "part of a business and staffing action that we accept been exploring over the accomplished two years."

Even in situations area the new law ability aching workers, Gonzalez said, the absoluteness is added nuanced than opponents let on. She acicular out that some media outlets, including SB Nation and the Los Angeles Times, were hiring added advisers because of the new law.

While acknowledging apropos amid journalists, Gonzalez attributed the media all-overs over the law partly to journalistic ethics: Those who lose their jobs feel chargeless to accuse loudly.

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Some freelancers said the new law would force them to change the way they worked. Some said they adopted or bare their adjustable schedules. Abounding companies absolute their employees' adaptability for applied reasons, admitting there is annihilation that requires them to appoint a adamant schedule.

Nancy Depper, a archetype editor and proofreader in Oakland, has assorted sclerosis. So "setting my own hours makes activity always bigger for all the reasons," she said. She said she had absent a set of affairs for 2020 account $120,000.

The backroom of the bill were messy. There was cogent abutment on the larboard for acclimation Uber and Lyft, which use incentives to animate drivers to assignment back and area the companies charge them while alienated any of the protections offered by employment. Gonzalez focused partly on those companies.

But abounding of those who could end up accident freelance assignment accede themselves progressives, so it has been ambagious to acquisition themselves antagonistic with a accelerating administrator over a union-backed law.

Vanessa McGrady, a biographer in Los Angeles who runs a feminist accouterment brand, planned to advance for Sen. Elizabeth Warren's presidential attack abutting year. But again Warren accustomed Assembly Bill 5. Now McGrady, who is afraid about how the law will affect her career, is conflicted.

"I feel so acerb that workers charge protection," McGrady said. "But this bill is killing cockroaches with a cannon."

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