Democratic presidential applicant Andrew Yang warned his competitors "the Democratic Party, unfortunately, is acting like Donald Trump is the account of all of our problems."

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"He's a evidence and we charge to cure the basal disease," he said.

"Democrats still accept not asked themselves the adamantine questions as to how Donald Trump won in 2016," Yang said. "If you attending about the country, you see 30 percent of aliment and malls closing. You see almanac aerial levels of stress, banking insecurity, apprentice accommodation debt, alike suicides and biologic overdoses. These are the problems that voters allocution to me about back I'm out there every distinct day."

ANDREW YANG: Well, Jon, to me it's bright the acumen why Donald Trump is our admiral today is that we automatic abroad 4 actor accomplishment jobs that were primarily based in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Iowa, the beat states he bare to win. And what we did to those jobs is we are now activity to do to the retail jobs, the alarm centermost jobs, the fast aliment jobs, and eventually the barter active jobs.

We accept to accept a way advanced that works for all Americans absolute of your political affiliation, so that's what we beggarly by not left, not right, forward. These problems are abstruse and administer to us all.

KARL: So, are you adage that the Democratic Party been too angry to the left, had been too ideological, while the Republicans too far to the right? I mean, is that what we're saying?

YANG: I was an agent in the Obama administration. But to me, Democrats still accept not asked themselves the adamantine questions as to how Donald Trump won in 2016, area if you attending about the country, you see 30 percent of aliment and malls closing. You see almanac aerial levels of stress, banking insecurity, apprentice accommodation debt, alike suicides and biologic overdoses. These are the problems that voters allocution to me about back I'm out there every distinct day.

And the Democratic Party, unfortunately, is acting like Donald Trump is the account of all of our problems. He's a evidence and we charge to cure the basal disease.

KARL: So, I appetite to allocution about your Abandon Dividend, $1,000 a ages for everybody over 18. And it's everybody? Everybody who opts in gets the Abandon Dividend. Why do you accommodate $1,000 to somebody like Jeff Bezos or for that amount Donald Trump? I mean, math, they don't charge it. This plan has already been actual expensive.

YANG: Well, I'm animated you noticed the math. It stands for accomplish America anticipate harder.

And my abandon allotment is based aloft the petroleum allotment that's been in aftereffect in Alaska for about 40 years. Everyone in Alaska is accepting amid $1,000 and $2,000 a year, no questions asked, and that's the richest Alaskan and the poorest. And what this does is it universalizes it and makes it popular. There's no stigma absorbed to it. There's no you get it, I don't.

And my way to pay for this is by demography a assessment from every Amazon sale, every Google search, every Facebook ad. So we'd be accepting hundreds of millions, alike billions, from Jeff Bezos. So if we try and accelerate him $1,000 a ages to admonish him he's an American, it's about immaterial.

KARL: OK, I appetite to about-face to your bloom affliction plan because you've aloof appear a -- a new bloom affliction plan and I'm a little bit abashed about area you stand.

He used to mask his class to cut it as a lawyer – but ...

First, I appetite to comedy clips from two of your ads area you allocution about bloom care.


YANG: We charge to move appear a Medicare for all arrangement area every American has admission to affection and affordable services.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: His account are a adapt for a new way forward. A bloom affliction arrangement with Medicare for all.


KARL: But I've looked at your bloom affliction plan. In fact, I've got it appropriate here. And this plan does not alarm for Medicare for all. In fact, it doesn't alike accept a attainable option. So why the agitator here?

YANG: We charge to move appear accepted bloom affliction that's aerial affection and about amount chargeless for Americans about the country. But absoluteness is, we accept millions of Americans who are on clandestine allowance appropriate now and demography those affairs abroad from them actual bound would be bottomless for many, abounding Americans.

To me, the ambition of the government has to be to authenticate that we can outcompete clandestine affairs and afresh advance them out of the bazaar over time.

KARL: But --

YANG: And that's -- that's what we're proposing.

KARL: But -- but -- but I -- but -- but I'm -- again, I'm confused. Your ad is explicit. Your ad says, Medicare for all. Your plan is not Medicare for all. It's not alike Medicare for some because in your plan there -- there's not alike a attainable option.

YANG: Our plan is to aggrandize a accepted bloom affliction arrangement to all Americans. Medicare for all is not the name of a bill. Medicare for all --

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KARL: Well --

YANG: Is accepted bloom affliction for all Americans. And that is our vision.

KARL: But Medicare for all is Medicare for all, right? I beggarly --

YANG: Well, our -- our bloom affliction plan would be -- would be based on Medicare and accretion it over time to added and added Americans. You'd lower the accommodation age and afresh you accomplish it broadly accessible.

KARL: OK, I -- I -- I didn't -- I didn't see that in -- in -- in your plan.

But -- but I appetite to move advanced to the -- the catechism of -- of your campaign.

So you have, as we've established, you've been the abruptness break-through candidate. Cipher accepted you were activity to still be here. You were activity to be on that agitation stage, aloof one of seven. But you've never absolutely burst 5 percent in any poll in those -- in those aboriginal states.

What -- what do you accept to do to absolutely breach through to the abutting level?

YANG: Well, Jon, I absolutely adulation actuality declared as a abruptness break-through. That -- that seems actual positive. And you and I both know, they accept -- there hasn't been a poll in the aboriginal states in over a month. I can't delay for some new acclamation to appear out that appearance how abundant we're growing, how abundant the activity and activity and the crowds are accepting bigger every time I go to any of the aboriginal states.

I'm on my way to New Hampshire a little bit afterwards today to bless New Year's Eve. And you're activity to see, back the acclamation appear out, we'll be at 5 percent or higher. I anticipate decidedly higher.


And you've had some absorbing statements on -- on impeachment. You say, aboriginal of all, cipher anytime asks you about it out on the trial. You appropriate Democrats absorb too abundant time talking about it. But you abutment the allegation of Donald Trump, correct?

YANG: Yes, I do abutment the allegation process, but voters don't ask me about impeachment, they ask me about bloom affliction and adolescent affliction and apprenticeship and altitude change. And the actuality is, we charge 20 Republican senators to accept a change of affection or a change of apperception in adjustment for allegation to be successful. So this strikes abounding Americans like a abortion area you apperceive what the account is activity to be. And until that changes, to me, we charge to be focused abundant added on presenting a new and absolute eyes that Americans will get aflame about. That's how we win in 2020.

KARL: So -- so what's your admonition for Democrats? Should they abandon a Senate trial? I beggarly if this is a abortion area you already apperceive the final account and they're activity to absorb -- it could be the bigger allotment of a month, maybe longer, on a balloon on all these issues that you say voters don't affliction about, should they aloof abandon the Senate trial? I beggarly they've accusable him.

YANG: Well, we -- we've accusable him. And if you're activity to accept the trial, you should accomplish it appear as bound and apparently as possible.

I've already said that I anticipate that the added candidates who are in the Senate, Senator Warren and Sanders and Booker and Bennett should feel chargeless to abide their campaigns during the balloon because the actuality is, we accept an acclamation to win afterwards this year and a case to accomplish to the American people.

KARL: And you've appropriate that you would be accessible to accommodating Donald Trump if you were elected. Is that -- is that -- would you? Do you anticipate that there should be a absolution issued for Donald Trump by whoever wins the Democrat -- if a Democratic wins in November?

YANG: My focus is on analytic the problems that got Donald Trump adopted and affective the country forward. And if you attending about the world, unfortunately, it's developing countries that accept collapsed into a arrangement of the new admiral or the new baton prosecuting and sometimes imprisoning the above leader. That's not a antecedent that’s been set actuality in the U.S., and to me, that's article that I would be absorbed in maintaining.


YANG: It's not in the country's absorption necessarily to attending backwards. We charge to attending forwards.

KARL: So, you would not appetite to advance with prosecuting Donald Trump afterwards he larboard appointment and you would be accessible to a pardon? Or you anticipate he should be pardoned?

YANG: Well, we would accept to see what the facts were. We’d accept to see what the accuse were and what the advocate accepted advises. But my absorption is affective the country forward.

KARL: All right. Andrew Yang, acknowledge you for abutting us actuality on “This Week”. Merry Christmas and blessed New Year to you.

YANG: Blessed holidays, Jon.

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