Fotis Dulos, left, is questioned by advocate Richard Weinstein, apery the acreage of Hilliard Farber, during affidavit in a civilian case in Hartford Superior Cloister during his affidavit in a civilian case Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019, in Hartford, Conn.

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Fotis Dulos, left, is questioned by advocate Richard Weinstein, apery the acreage of Hilliard Farber, during affidavit in a civilian case in Hartford Superior Cloister during his affidavit in a civilian case

Photo: Mark Mirko / Associated Press

Fotis Dulos, left, is questioned by advocate Richard Weinstein, apery the acreage of Hilliard Farber, during affidavit in a civilian case in Hartford Superior Cloister during his affidavit in a civilian case Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019, in Hartford, Conn.

Fotis Dulos, left, is questioned by advocate Richard Weinstein, apery the acreage of Hilliard Farber, during affidavit in a civilian case in Hartford Superior Cloister during his affidavit in a civilian case

Attorney: Jennifer Dulos’ mother a victim of ‘trial by ambush’

Fotis Dulos is committing “trial by ambush” by claiming — weeks afterwards a civilian balloon concluded — that his conflicting wife’s ancestors owes him $1 million, his mother-in-law’s advocate said.

Attorney Richard Weinstein, apery Gloria Farber in $2.5 actor civilian lawsuits adjoin Fotis Dulos, has filed a seven-page brief, calling the acknowledgment arbitrary aback the two-day balloon concluded on Dec. 4.

“This activity was approved to the cloister afterwards any affirmation awaiting adjoin the plaintiff (Farber) to acquiesce defendants to now, afterwards trial, advance a new acknowledgment area no claims had ahead been pleaded adjoin (the) plaintiff would be adverse to all notions of disinterestedness and fairness,” Weinstein said. “Characterizing it as balloon by ambuscade would be an understatement.”

Farber brought the lawsuits adjoin Fotis Dulos added than a year afore her babe went missing as the brace was affected in a advancing annulment and aegis action for their bristles children. Farber contends in the lawsuits that her son-in-law owes the ancestors $2.5 actor in contributed business loans fabricated to his high-end absolute acreage development company, Fore Group.

Fotis Dulos has been answerable in his conflicting wife’s dematerialization and is adverse foreclosures of his Farmington home and a New Canaan acreage his aggregation was developing. A $500,000 accommodation from the Farber ancestors to Jennifer and Fotis Dulos for the Farmington home is additionally the accountable of one of the lawsuits.

Attorney William Murray, apery Fotis Dulos, filed the acknowledgment for $1 actor on Dec. 20 forth with accounting closing arguments in the civilian trial.

In his acknowledgment filed aftermost week, Weinstein argued the acknowledgment should be denied because it was not presented during the pretrial affairs or the two-day trial, preventing him from arresting the accusations. Weinstein had additionally ahead denied the Farber ancestors owed Fotis Dulos the money.

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“Here defendants did not advance any acknowledgment until afterwards balloon had been completed,” Weinstein said. “Thus, plaintiff was no best in a position to present affirmation adjoin such counterclaim.”

Hartford Superior Cloister Judge Cesar Noble is accepted to cede a accommodation in the lawsuits in the advancing weeks.

Murray presented affirmation during the balloon claiming Weinstein bootless to abstract $1.8 actor in money Fotis Dulos gave to his father-in-law and break listed about $750,000 in payments to the Fore Group for architecture a abundant bedfellow abode on the Farber acreage in Pound Ridge, N.Y.

Murray claims the Farber ancestors owes his applicant $1,042,300 aback the added abstracts are considered.

The acknowledged altercation amid the attorneys agitated afterwards Jennifer Dulos abolished on May 24. The cloister filings accept been arena out adjoin the accomplishments of the missing bodies case and the Dulos children’s aboriginal anniversary division afterwards their mother.

Fotis Dulos common his affirmation that the Farber ancestors owes him $1 actor during a Fox News interview, which aired aftermost week.

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According to arrest warrants, badge accept Fotis Dulos was “lying in wait” aback Jennifer Dulos accustomed home from bottomward off their accouchement at academy in New Canaan about 8:05 a.m. May 24.

Police said two bodies akin Fotis Dulos and his above adherent Michelle Troconis were captured on video in Hartford afterwards that night about the time his conflicting wife was arise missing.

The man badge argue is Fotis Dulos was apparent on the videos auctioning accoutrements that were afterwards bent to accommodate his wife’s claret and clothing, the warrants said.

A abstracted arrest accreditation said Fotis Dulos and Troconis took a red Toyota Tacoma auto barter acceptance to a Fore Group agent to a car ablution in the canicule afterwards the disappearance. Badge said in the accreditation that they accept Fotis Dulos collection the barter to New Canaan the morning of the disappearance.

Fotis Dulos additionally apprenticed the agent to abolish the seats, which were afterwards begin to accommodate his wife’s blood, according to the warrant.

Fotis Dulos and Troconis accept anniversary been answerable with two counts of analytical with affirmation and adverse prosecution. Fotis Dulos will be aback in accompaniment Superior Cloister in Stamford on Jan. 9, while Troconis is due to arise on Jan. 31.

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