TOKYO — By the time best of Japan had woken up on Tuesday, he was gone. One of the country’s best acclaimed bent suspects had slipped accomplished the cameras accomplished on his house, accomplished the badge and bound guards and the Japanese citizens who for the accomplished year accept followed his every move.

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Carlos Ghosn, the deposed arch of the Nissan and Renault auto authority adverse accuse of banking wrongdoing, had fled to Lebanon, and no one in Japan — not the authorities, the media or alike the auto executive’s own advocate — could explain how it had happened.

“I appetite to ask him, ‘How could you do this to us?’” Mr. Ghosn’s advocate in Tokyo, Junichiro Hironaka, told a drove of 40 reporters alfresco his appointment on Tuesday.

It was a accurate escape, agitated out aloof afore New Year’s Day, Japan’s best important holiday, back government agencies and best businesses abutting for as continued as a week.

The escape appeared to accept been planned in Lebanon. A advocate for Mr. Ghosn in Beirut played a beforehand role putting the plan calm and acted as the agent with the Lebanese government, one being accustomed with the amount said.

An official in Beirut said Mr. Ghosn had entered the country application a French passport, while at atomic one Lebanese aperture reported, afterwards alms proof, that the aloft Nissan administrator had been active out axial a box meant for agreeable equipment.

He chose ambush in Lebanon, area he grew up and has been advised as a folk hero back his 2018 arrest in Japan. A Lebanese bi-weekly appear that Mr. Ghosn had accustomed in Beirut on a clandestine alike from Turkey. Afterwards landing there, he appear a account advancing the “rigged Japanese amends arrangement area answerability is presumed, bigotry is rampant, and basal animal rights are denied.”

In the statement, he said he was accessible to acquaint his adventure to the media “starting abutting week.” A accessible relations able has been accomplished from the United States to Beirut to advice adapt a columnist conference, the being accustomed with the amount said.

Government admiral in Japan were still aggravating to allotment calm the facts of the escape, as the advancing bounded media accolade for clues. Lebanon has no displacement accord with Japan. Some politicians in Japan wondered whether atramentous abstracts or alike a adopted government had been complex in his escape.

On Twitter, Masahisa Sato, a affiliate of the high abode of Japan’s Parliament and a aloft top Adopted Ministry official, asked whether Mr. Ghosn “had the abutment of some country” in his departure.

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“It’s a huge botheration that his actionable escape from Japan was accustomed so easily,” he wrote.

A aloft governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe, accused the Lebanese Embassy of allowance to bootleg Mr. Ghosn out.

“It’s a diplomat’s assignment to abjure Lebanon’s civic hero,” he wrote, accouterment no evidence. Calls to the Lebanese Embassy went unanswered.

Apparently bent flat-footed, Japanese prosecutors rushed to ask a Tokyo cloister to abolish Mr. Ghosn’s bail, according to the civic anchorperson NHK, possibly abrogation him to cost the $9 actor that he had paid for the advantage of active alfresco bastille while he accessible trial.

Mr. Ghosn had affronted over his passports to his lawyer, as a cloister had ordered, while he able for balloon active in an affected adjacency in axial Tokyo.

His lawyer, too, seemed agape by the Houdini-like disappearance. Addressing the reporters alfresco his Tokyo office, Mr. Hironaka said Mr. Ghosn’s abandonment was “totally unexpected.”

There had been no assurance that Mr. Ghosn was advancing to flee, Mr. Hironaka said. To the contrary, he added, aggregate appropriate that Mr. Ghosn had been advancing to avert himself in court.

Mr. Ghosn’s bond altitude bound his buzz use, and he spent best of his canicule in his lawyer’s office, the alone abode he was accustomed to use the internet. For months, he had been commuting from his home to accommodated with his attorneys and adapt for his trial.

All the while, a court-ordered camera monitored his doorway, recording his comings and goings. Whenever he went out, he doubtable that the authorities and clandestine board from Nissan followed him about the city, according to bodies accustomed with the matter.

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Mr. Ghosn batten with his wife, Carole, for about an hour on Dec. 24, Mr. Hironaka said. Prosecutors had asked a adjudicator to forbid the brace to acquaintance anniversary added over apropos that they ability cabal to alter with affirmation or witnesses. The cloister had kept the brace from communicating for months, Mr. Hironaka said, and they had announced alone alert back Mr. Ghosn was rearrested in April.

Nevertheless, Mr. Ghosn backward in blow with his family. His babe Maya visited him in Tokyo, according to bodies accustomed with his movements. And his outings with his accouchement would occasionally be appear by the Japanese columnist or pop up on amusing media, area commentators speculated about his welfare.

Mr. Hironaka said the acknowledged aggregation spent Christmas Day in cloister discussing diplomacy for Mr. Ghosn’s trial, which was accepted to booty abode ancient in 2020.

The aggregation had planned to regroup on Jan. 7 for the aboriginal action affair of the new year.

All three of Mr. Ghosn’s passports were in his lawyers’ possession, Mr. Hironaka said. It was one of the altitude of his bail, which his attorneys had won alone afterwards repeated, hard-fought attempts to argue the cloister that their client, with all of his abundance and power, was not a flight risk.

“He larboard his things here,” Mr. Hironaka told reporters. “It would accept been difficult for him to do this afterwards the abetment of some ample organization.”

Mr. Ghosn’s aegis aggregation had again announced out about what it declared as a “hostage justice” system, accusatory that Japanese courts and prosecutors had put him at an about absurd disadvantage as he approved to avert himself.

“I capital to prove he was innocent,” Mr. Hironaka said on Tuesday. “But back I saw his account in the press, I thought, ‘He doesn’t assurance Japan’s courts.’”

The Japanese media rushed for clues as well, but account outlets were bedfast by skeleton staffs and bankrupt government offices advanced of New Year’s Day. NHK appear that bound ascendancy admiral in Japan and Lebanon had no almanac of Mr. Ghosn’s abrogation the country, apperception that he may accept acclimated a affected authorization and an affected name.

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But in Lebanon, the abbot for presidential affairs, Salim Jreissati, said backward Tuesday that Mr. Ghosn had “entered the country accurately application his French authorization and Lebanese ID.”

Mr. Jreissati said the Lebanese government had not been notified in beforehand of his arrival, adding, “We were all surprised.”

“The government has annihilation to do with his accommodation to come,” he said. “We don’t apperceive the affairs of his arrival.”

In France, a agent abbot for abridgement and finance, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, said she had abstruse about Mr. Ghosn’s flight from account reports. “We accept to accept what happened,” she said on France Inter radio.

Mr. Ghosn is not aloft the law, she said, and “if a adopted aborigine fled the French amends system, we would be actual angry.” But she acclaimed that, as a French citizen, he could use the country’s consular services.

A accumulation of accouchement may accept been amid the aftermost bodies to see him afore he larboard Japan, according to a address in The Asahi Shimbun. It declared the accessible analysis on Friday morning in abundant the way one would an actualization by Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster.

“His eyebrows angle out,” the 12-year-old babe told a anchorman combing the streets abreast Mr. Ghosn’s home for clues about his disappearance.

“Everyone was adage to anniversary other, ‘Isn’t that Ghosn?’”

Ben Dooley appear from Tokyo, and Michael Corkery from New York. Reporting was contributed by Makiko Inoue and Eimi Yamamitsu from Tokyo, Elian Peltier from London, Hwaida Saad from Beirut, and Amy Chozick from New York.

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