SACRAMENTO (AP) — A federal adjudicator on Tuesday briefly blocked a new California activity law from impacting added than 70,000 absolute truckers.

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The law makes it harder for companies to allocate workers as absolute contractors instead of employees, who are advantaged to minimum allowance and allowances such as workers compensation.

Freelance writers and photographers are additionally gluttonous a abstinent adjustment adjoin the law set to booty aftereffect Wednesday.

U.S. District Adjudicator Roger Benitez of San Diego accepted a acting abstinent adjustment approved by the California Trucking Affiliation while he considers arty a abiding injunction.

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He said the affiliation is acceptable to eventually abound on its altercation that the accompaniment law violates federal law. He additionally disqualified the truckers would contrarily be acceptable to ache irreparable harm, and that briefly blocking the law from applying to truckers is in the accessible interest.

The accessible focus of the law has abundantly complex ride-share companies such as Uber and Lyft and aliment commitment companies like DoorDash and Postmates, which accept vowed their own challenges in cloister and at the election box. Uber and Postmates filed a accusation on Monday.

The trucking association’s accusation filed in November said abounding truckers would accept to carelessness $150,000 investments in apple-pie trucks and the appropriate to set their own schedules in adjustment for companies to accede with a law the accumulation says illegally infringes on artery commerce.

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Democratic Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego said the accompaniment will abide to action the affiliation “to acknowledgment jobs in the trucking industry to good, average chic careers.”

“For decades, trucking companies accept profited from misclassifying drivers as absolute contractors, demography abroad rights such as meal and blow periods and fair pay,” she said in a statement.

Freelance writers and photographers on Tuesday approved quick abatement from the new law, which they say could put some absolute journalists out of business.

The American Society of Journalists and Authors and the National Press Photographers Affiliation asked a federal adjudicator to admission them a acting abstinent adjustment while he considers a added abiding admonition in March.

However, no date was anon set for a audition or accommodation by U.S. District Adjudicator Philip Gutierrez in Los Angeles.

The freelancers sued in mid-December. They altercate the law would unconstitutionally affect chargeless accent and the media.

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