Josh Chandler, a bounded lawyer, has filed a accusation adjoin Idaho Falls Academy Commune 91, the district’s Board of Trustees and Rockwell Homes. The accusation claims a acreage bandy amid the academy commune and the developer was illegal.

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Chandler is one of several bodies active abreast Taylorview Middle Academy who argue a planned Rockwell residential development in the area.

Rockwell affairs to body a 53-home subdivision, on a abandoned lot west of Taylorview, at the bend of Castlerock Lane and Stonebrook Lane.

Neighbors accurate their apropos about the development — cartage safety, acreage values, academy bottleneck and blocked views, amid added things — at an Idaho Falls Planning Commission affair on Tuesday.

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District 91 endemic the 25-acre acreage and traded it to Rockwell Homes for a 13.7-acre property, additional $263,000 in cash, according to Commune 91 Superintendent George Boland.

The acreage was acquainted at $497,000. Commune 91’s Board of Trustees accustomed the accord in January.

The accusation claims the acreage accord abandoned Idaho Statute 33-601 — which sets guidelines for academy districts’ acreage affairs — because Commune 91 did not authority a accessible audition or bid the property.

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Additionally, the accusation says the accord does not authorize as a acreage bandy because Rockwell paid banknote for added than bisected of the land’s value.

Chandler, who accomplished federal accretion law in Washington D.C. afore affective to Idaho Falls, said he hopes the accusation will stop the academy commune from authoritative addition acreage accord after giving accessible notice.

“I got absorbed in (the development) because this is abreast my home,” Chandler told the Post Register. “What absolutely got me agitated was that this allotment of property, which is a prime allotment of acreage in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Idaho Falls, was not auctioned off. Statute aside, they should be aggravating to get the best amount for a allotment of accessible property.”

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The academy commune consulted acknowledged admonition and bent the accord was legal, Boland said.

“Anytime we do any affectionate of acreage accretion or disposition, we accomplish abiding we appoint acknowledged admonition and do those affairs as per their advice and Idaho code,” Boland said.

Reporter Ryan Suppe can be accomplished at 208-542-6762. Follow him on Twitter: @salsuppe.

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