This will be the final anniversary of the Hometown Hero alternation for this year. Next week, we will be announcement the Skiatook Journal Person of the Year for 2019.

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One affair that I accept abstruse through accomplishing all of these interviews is that none of them accept they are heros. None of them accept they are alike accomplishing annihilation extraordinary. Shane Thompson is no exception.

Thompson spent 20 years in law enforcement. He started alive for the Skiatook Badge Department in 2004 and retired in 2017.

“I absence the brotherhood aural the badge force and the accompany you assignment with every day,” Thompson said.

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But he doesn’t absence seeing the darker ancillary of activity on a circadian basis. Thompson and his ancestors accept confused to the outskirts of the burghal and set up a homestead. When you appointment their home, you are greeted by several dogs and cats. In the barn, you will acquisition goats, pigs, horses and chickens. They abound vegetables and accession their eight accouchement and accept a accurate affection for allowance others.

In 2018, the Thompson’s started hosting a farmer’s bazaar at their farm.

“We acclimated to common farmer’s markets,” Thompson said. “Most of the bodies we talked to said they wouldn’t accomplish abundant money. They may accomplish $20 or $25 dollars, which went appropriate aback to renting the amplitude at the market. So we absitively not to allegation bodies for booths at the market. We get to be a allotment of allowance out bounded farmers and producers.”

During the market, Thompson offers hay rides, snow cones and airheaded at no allegation to visitors. They accept lots of allowance for kids to comedy while their parents advertise their articles or shop.

“It was important to us for the bazaar to be a ancestors environment. And to accept the bazaar in the evening. Almost all the markets are in the morning, so this gives the vendors addition befalling to accomplish some money and bodies addition befalling to abutment bounded bodies after continuing on the ancillary of a highway,” Thompson said.”

During the markets, the Thompsons additionally accessible up their garden to those in need.

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“We gave about about 90% of what we grew this year to bodies in need. We let bodies advice themselves. If they charge something, they can go out and aces it.”

“It’s aloof the way he is,” SHane’s wife Melanie said. “If he feels it in his affection to advice someone, he does. He has helped accouchement get anaplasty they needed, he has bought tires and accustomed abroad Barbie houses. He doesn’t alike anticipate about it. He aloof does it.”

The Thompsons don’t aloof give, they accessible their hearts and homes to anyone in need. Four accouchement in charge begin absolutely what they were attractive for in Shane Thompson’s home — a family. The Thompsons started adopting four accouchement and begin that they could not brainstorm those accouchement affective on because they had already become family. The Thompsons adopted the accouchement and said it has been amazing to be all calm as one family.

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“I accept consistently been of the acceptance that if you can advice someone, behindhand of what you have, if what you accept helps. If you can’t do what you want, do what you can, Thompson said. “None of the being we do actuality makes us any profit. We do it to advice others. We are accomplishing what God says.”

Thompson hopes to canyon on his spirit of giving to his children. “I anticipate it’s important for the kids to see us giving and allowance others. If they accept a activity to advice someone, I don’t appetite them to attending for acceptance for themselves, but to aloof help. There will consistently be bodies in need.”

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